Merrimack Men’s Ice Hockey
Concept - Produce eye catching images and stunning videos to create fan engagement and build a community around the school's men’s hockey team as well as create recruiting videos and other non social media videos.
Target Audience - Hockey fans and the Merrimack College community
Role in Project - My role involves filming and photographing games, practices, and events to be edited in a timely manner to be posted on social media or to be used for any purpose the program needs.
Skills - This showcases my ability to use professional equipment to create photos and videos to grow engagement on social media. It also weighed heavily on my skills in the Adobe Creative Suite such as Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Premiere Pro.
Challenges + Successes - The main challenge is having content ready to be posted for it to still be relevant. A major success was growing follower engagement by creating content that felt new, professional, and enjoyable to view which is exemplified by one of my videos receiving the most views on the account and being one of the highest of any account for the school.
Click to see more work on Merrimack Men’s Hockey Instagram